Btc roulette Intermittent fasting and its benefits on the body, types and results in addition to a schedule of intermittent fasting

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Intermittent fasting and its benefits on the body, types and results in addition to a schedule of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a diet that is followed in which people abstain from eating for sixteen hours to cleanse the body and at this time all, the calories in the body are consumed.  Intermittent fasting has many benefits. 

Intermittent fasting


intermittent fasting schedule


If you are considering trying intermittent fasting, I will give you a daily or weekly tracking schedule with a table of foods needed to keep your body and energy up..


     Intermittent fasting daily We prefer to start at eight in the morning and stop at four in the evening, because daily fasting is every day, and if you continue, you will get used to it and love it..


Weekly intermittent fasting, which is one of the best methods of fasting.  This habit is practiced once a week to cleanse the body and give the body a break to cleanse itself..


           Intermittent fasting meals: Keep in mind that intermittent fasting does not depend on a specific type of food.  The best thing in my opinion is to start with a light meal on the stomach, which is dates, then a little water so that your stomach does not ache..


The intermittent fasting regime is as follows


   Dates and water in a small percentage, of course water


  Fruits and vegetables that are light on the stomach, as well as cereals rich in fiber -


   Protein sources such as eggs, lentils, beans, nuts, etc.


   After the meal, we recommend drinking mint tea, drinking water and exercising.  These are the best meals we have for a healthy diet and help with intermittent fasting


intermittent fasting 20/4


The quality of this fast: that a person fasts for twenty continuous hours, and eats food for only four hours, and this fast is known as the warrior style..


         In ancient times, people practiced this type of intermittent fasting to strengthen their bodies, keep their bodies on track, and increase their physical fitness..


         Pros of intermittent fasting like this Lets mention the first benefit that controls glucose levels and this also benefits diabetics, improves heart health, reduces weight and detoxifies the body.


         In order not to forget this type of fasting, it may not be suitable for the average person, as it is more beneficial for diabetics and those who suffer from heart diseases as well, and for the elderly it is useful for them to remove toxins from the body..


 16/8intermittent fasting  

The type of this fast is that a person fasts for sixteen hours continuously, and eats food for only 6 hours, and follows this type of intermittent fasting..


To prevent chronic diabetes and maintain a healthy body, this type of fasting removes toxins from the body.


In this type of fasting, we advise people who suffer from heart disease or diabetes not to follow it.  It is best to follow the fasting of the warriors mentioned above..


Intermittent fasting benefits


There are several benefits of intermittent fasting, which are beneficial to the body in general.


 It can prevent dementia or make it delay it, and they discovered in studies in 2019 that intermittent fasting slows down the process of cognitive decline and enhances memory, and of course, this study was conducted on mice.


 Lowering blood pressure: People who continued intermittent fasting had a decrease in diastolic and systolic blood pressure for five weeks, according to a study conducted in 2018..


 Intermittent fasting can help prevent cancer, and scientists say that intermittent fasting may help stop cancerous tumors, and this is a joyful and cheerful thing for people who practice intermittent fasting..


  Repairing the cells of the body intermittent fasting makes the cells of the body regenerate and the damaged cells make them repair themselves and this is called autophagy.


 According to a study conducted on mice in 2018, it proves that cells are renewed with continued intermittent fasting.


intermittent fasting results


Continuous intermittent fasting with a proper diet will make results appear quickly and the body will benefit from healthy food and this healthy system in general.


        The results


        Body cell repair




        Diabetes prevention


        Heart disease prevention


        Feeling energetic and energetic



     There are many other results, and we have mentioned them to you based on expectations and studies, and try this type of fasting or another as we mentioned previously..



Why is intermittent fasting harmful?


There is potentially harm to those who continue intermittent fasting, which is sometimes headache, and it is possible to feel tired for some time..


   Constipation also occurs in some people, sometimes due to not following a healthy diet to keep the body from being constipated..


   Low blood sugar is also harmful, especially in the beginning with intermittent fasting for some people, and this is normal until the body gets used to it, and some people do not suffer from low blood sugar..


   Losing excess weight in some people, and we have previously mentioned that those who follow intermittent fasting lose weight, and this is useful for those who want to lose weight..


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